Tuesday 17 September 2013

Abrasives Grains Market Report


The abrasives industry is intrinsically linked to GDP: in particular the construction and manufacturing industries. World GDP is forecast to grow by 3.3% globally in 2012 while the world-wide materials abrasives market is forecast to grow by x in 2012 and x in 2013.


The study covers the abrasives materials market. The report focuses on the market information and trends in the industry from Europe, North America and Asia. A detailed analysis of the market for 2011 is included as well as annual forecasts for 2012 through to 2016.


1.0 Introduction 2.0 Definitions
3.0 Economic indicators, trends and forecasts
4.0 Global market overview
5.0 Abrasives Materials
o Main producers
o Consumption by type
o Consumption by region and type
o Consumption forecasts
6.0 Trade Statistics


This report provides information on the materials abrasives industry including: definitions, economic indicators and forecasts, producers, consumption by type and region, trade statistics.


Agent: Jovian
Publisher: Intelligence Market

Date Published: 2012-06-01


Abrasives Industry: Trade Statistics


Trade Statistics for the abrasives industry for 2011. The report examines the main importing and exporting countries of abrasives materials and products providing information on value, quantity and average selling price.


Trade Statistics for the abrasives industry for 2011. Products included are Aluminium Oxide, Diamond, Garnet, Silicon Carbide, Pumice, Zirconium and Germanium Oxide, Coated Abrasive on Cloth and Paper, Bonded Abrasives, Machine Tools.

Reasons to buy this report

o Understand industry trends
o Monitor the size of the market
o Identify trade quantities and average selling prices


Agent: Jovian
Publisher: Intelligence Market

Date Published: 2012-06-01


Friday 13 September 2013

Abrasives: New Uses


Whilst some abrasive materials and the designs of their tools are well established, there exist many drivers for further development and expansion of the industry. For example, the emergence of new workpiece materials requires the specification and development of suitable abrasives and their tools.
Whilst some abrasive materials and the designs of their tools are well established, there exist many drivers for further development and expansion of the industry. For example, the emergence of new workpiece materials requires the specification and development of suitable abrasives and their tools.


The review is based on two types of research. Firstly, a study of patent activity for abrasive materials and tools provides an overview of companies most active in abrasives-related intellectual property and the current subject areas of development. Secondly, a summary of university research related to abrasive materials and tools provides an insight into possible future areas of materials and applications development.

The 'technical developments' sections discuss both patent activity and university research on each of the material and tool types, and include maps of the various application areas.
The review is based on two types of research. Firstly, a study of patent activity for abrasive materials and tools provides an overview of companies most active in abrasives-related intellectual property and the current subject areas of development. Secondly, a summary of university research related to abrasive materials and tools provides an insight into possible future areas of materials and applications development.

The 'technical developments' sections discuss both patent activity and university research on each of the material and tool types, and include maps of the various application areas.


Publisher: Intelligence Market
Author:  Dr Stuart Nailer
Date Published: 2010-09-01



Intellectual property review - study methods and general findings

Academic research - study methods and general findings

Technical developments: abrasive grains
- Including slurries and loose abrasives

Technical developments: abrasive materials
- Including aluminium oxide, silicon carbide, emery, garnet, pumice, metallic abrasives and tungsten carbide

Technical developments: superabrasives
- Including diamond, cubic boron nitride and their tools

Technical developments: bonded abrasives
- Including grinding wheels and other bonded abrasives

Technical developments: coated abrasives
- Including abrasives discs, sheets, belt, films and other coated abrasives

Summary and conclusions


Abrasives (Grains, Bonded, Coated and Superabrasives) a Global Market Report 2012




The abrasives industry is intrinsically linked to GDP: in particular the construction and manufacturing industries. World GDP is forecast to grow by 3.3% globally in 2012 while the world-wide coated abrasives market is forecast to grow by 2.1% in 2012 and 3.4% in 2013. The abrasive materials market is strong at the moment with consumption having fully recovered from the downturn of 2008/2009.


The study covers the global abrasives market. The report focuses on the market information and trends in the industry from Europe, North America and Asia. A detailed analysis of the market for 2011 is included as well as annual forecasts for 2012 through to 2016.


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Definitions
3.0 Economic indicators, trends and forecasts
4.0 Global market/materials overview
5.0 Abrasive grains market
6.0 Bonded abrasives
7.0 Coated abrasives
8.0 Superabrasives
9.0 Trade statistics

List of Tables

308 tables